Recognised iwi in the Māori Fisheries Act 2004
Population: Census 2013: 35,877 (does not include any of 19,719 "Te Arawa but iwi not specified")

This rohe map is based on the Area of Interest agreed between Ngāti Tūwharetoa and the Crown in the Deed of Settlement signed on 08 July 2017. Ngāti Tūwharetoa Area of Interest from the Deed of Settlement [PDF, 552KB].
The Ngāti Tūwharetoa tribal territory is in the central North Island, around the Lake Taupō water catchment area. The boundaries are:
North – near Mihi’s bridge south of Reporoa;
West – Titiraupenga, the Hauhungaroa Ranges and south-west to Taumarunui;
East – the Kaimanawa Ranges; and
South – Tongariro National Park.
There are also many families of Ngāti Tūwharetoa living in the Moawhango, Bulls and Tokorangi areas. There is a saying in Ngāti Tūwharetoa: ‘Ko te tomokanga o te iwi ki te tonga, ki Tokorangi’ (the gateway to Tūwharetoa in the south is at Tokorangi). [note: Tokorangi is 8 km east of Marton]
There are several sub-tribes of Ngāti Tūwharetoa which have grouped under two names:
Te Matapuna: these people live in the south of Motutaiko, the island in Lake Taupō, and on the lake’s southern shores. Their name indicates that they are the source of tribal life.
Te Hikuwai: these groups are north of Motutaiko. Their name means ‘the reservoir’, as they live where the waters of the lake join the Waikato River.
This rohe extends into the regions or districts of these local authorities:
Contact information for hapū and marae may be provided by the Representative Organisation at their discretion.
Hapū | Marae | Wharenui | Location |
Ngāti Hā | Mōkai | Pakake Taiari | 1461 Forrest Road, Mōkai |
Ngāti Hikairo | Otūkou | Okahukura | Otūkou Road, Otūkou |
Pāpākai | Rākeipoho | 1799 Lake Rotoaira Road, Otūkou | |
Te Rena | Hikairo | 853 Hohotaka Road, Kākāhi | |
Ngāti Hine | Korohe | Rereao | Korohe Road, Korohe |
Ngāti Hinemihi | Kauriki | Te Ōhākī | 2555 Taumarunui-Ngapuke Road, Ngā Puke |
Petania | Hinemihi | Waitangi Road, Taringamotu | |
Ngāti Hinerau | Maroanui | SH1 (near Tram Road), Taupō | |
Waipahīhī | Kurapoto | 5 Hinerau Grove, Waipahīhī | |
Ngāti Hineure | Waipahīhī | Kurapoto | 5 Hinerau Grove, Waipahīhī |
Ngāti Hineuru | Te Hāroto | Te Rongopai | 4867 SH5, Te Hāroto |
Ngāti Kurauia | Tokaanu | Puhaorangi | 128 Puanga Street, Tokaanu |
Ngāti Manunui | Kākāhi | Taumaihiorongo | Cnr. Noho Street and Ako Street, Kākāhi |
Maniaiti | Te Aroha o Ngā Mātua Tūpuna | 458 SH41, Maniaiti | |
Pūkawa | Manunui a Ruakapanga | 28 Kaiuru Avenue, Pūkawa | |
Ngāti Moekino | Mōkai | Pakake Taiari | 1461 Forrest Road, Mōkai |
Ngāti Parekāwa | Mōkai | Pakake Taiari | 1461 Forrest Road, Mōkai |
Poukura | Parekaawa | 340 Karangahape Road, Tūrangi | |
Ngāti Rauhoto | Maroanui | SH1 (near Tram Road), Taupō | |
Nukuhau | Rauhoto | 14 Morison Street, Nukuhau | |
Ngāti Rongomai | Rongomai | Rongomai | 96 Waiotaka Road, Tūrangi |
Ngāti Ruingarangi | Te Rangiita | Te Rangiita | 26 Pitiroi Street, Nukuhau |
Ngāti Tarakaiahi | Mōkai | Pakake Taiari | 1461 Forrest Road, Mōkai |
Waihāhā | Haukapuanui | Waihāhā | |
Ngāti Te Kohera | Mōkai | Pakake Taiari | 1461 Forrest Road, Mōkai |
Ngāti Te Mahau | Te Mahau | Te Mahau | 27 Prince of Wales Drive, Waihī |
Ngāti Te Maunga | Whanganui | Whanganui Bay, Lake Taupō | |
Ngāti Te Rangiita | Te Kapa o te Rangiita ki Ōruanui | Te Kapa o te Rangiita | 551 Ōruanui Road, Ōruanui |
Waitetoko | Te Kapua Whakapipi | 496 SH1, Waiteteko | |
Ngāti Te Urunga | Nukuhau | Rauhoto | 14 Morison Street, Nukuhau |
Ngāti Tūrangitukua | Hīrangi | Tūwharetoa i te Aupōuri | 39 Hīrangi Road, Tūrangi |
Ngāti Turumakina | Waihī | Tapeka | 37 Prince of Wales Drive, Waihī |
Ngāti Tutemohuta | Waitahanui | Pākira | 7 Pakira Place, Waitahanui |
Ngāti Tutetawhā | Tutetawhā | Tutetawhā | SH1, Waitahanui, Taupō |
Ngāti Waewae | Te Tikanga (Tokorangi) | Te Tikanga | 819 Tokorangi Road, Tokorangi |
Ngāti Wairangi | Mōkai | Pakake Taiari | 1461 Forrest Road, Mōkai |
Ngāti Whaita | Ōngāroto | Whaita | 533 Ōngāroto Road, Ātiamuri |
Ngāti Wheoro | Waihāhā | Haukapuanui | Waihāhā |
Te Kapa o Te Rangiita | Te Kapa o te Rangiita ki Ōruanui | Te Kapa o te Rangiita | 551 Ōruanui Road, Ōruanui |
Iwi Representative Organisations
4 Iwi Representative Organisations:
Te Kotahitanga o Ngāti Tūwharetoa
Last updated: 11/03/2025
Post-Treaty settlement governance entity [ Ngāti Tūwharetoa Claims Settlement Act 2018 ].
Legal entity: Common Law Trust
Governance structure: One delegate from each of 26 hapū.
Chair: Wiari Rauhina
CEO/GM: Nigel Chee
Administration Manager: Hinemoa Wanikau
Postal Address:
PO Box 315,
Tūrangi 3353.
Physical Address:
130 Atirau Road,
Phone: 0800 KOTAHI (568 244)
Tūwharetoa Māori Trust Board
Last updated: 11/03/2025
Represents Ngāti Tūwharetoa as an "iwi authority" for the purposes of the Resource Management Act 1991.
Tūhono organisation.
Legal entity: Charitable Trust
Governance structure: Ten members elected by postal vote.
Chair: John Bishara
CEO: Rakeipoho Taiaroa
RMA Contact: Peter Sheperd Email:
Postal Address:
PO Box 87,
Tūrangi 3353.
Physical Address:
81 Horomatangi Street,
Phone: 07 386 8832
Tūwharetoa Settlement Trust
Last updated: 11/03/2025
Post settlement governance entity to represent Ngāti Tūwharetoa interests in the Central North Island Forests Land Collective Settlement 2008.
Tūhono organisation.
Governance structure: Eight elected trustees: five appointed to represent forestry hapū interests and three to represent iwi interests.
Chair: Rakeipoho Taiaroa
General Manager: Sean Te Heuheu
Postal Address:
PO Box 1845,
Taupō 3351.
Physical Address:
81 Horomatangi Street,
Phone: 0800 TUWHARETOA (889 427)
Ngāti Tūwharetoa Fisheries Charitable Trust
Last updated: 11/03/2025
Mandated iwi organisation in the Māori Fisheries Act 2004.
Iwi Aquaculture Organisation in the Māori Commercial Aquaculture Claims Settlement Act 2004.
Tūhono organisation.
Legal entity: Charitable Trust
Governance structure: Six trustees: iwi members elect one nominee in each of four wards, and elect one of at least two professional trustees nominated by Tūwharetoa Māori Trust Board and one of at least two nominated by Ngāti Tūwharetoa (Bay of Plenty) Settlement Trust.
Chair: Judy Harris
CEO: Danny Loughlin
Postal Address:
PO Box 126,
Taupō 3330.
Physical Address:
81 Horomatangi Street,
Phone: 07 377 3176