Recognised iwi in the Māori Fisheries Act 2004
Population: Census 2013: 2,694

- This rohe map represents the area over which Muaūpoko exercises kaitiakitanga for the purposes of the Resource Management Act 1991.
This rohe extends into the regions or districts of these local authorities:
Contact information for hapū and marae may be provided by the Representative Organisation at their discretion.
Hapū are associated with all Marae.
Hapū |
Ngāi Te Ao |
Ngārue |
Ngāti Hine |
Ngāti Pāriri |
Ngāti Tamarangi |
Ngāti Whanokirangi |
Punahau |
Marae | Wharenui | Location |
Kawiu | Te Huia o Raukura | 294 Kawiu Road, Levin |
Kohuturoa | Pāriri | 306 Hokio Beach Road, Hōkio Beach |
Iwi Representative Organisations
1 Iwi Representative Organisation:
Muaūpoko Tribal Authority Inc
Last updated: 11/03/2025
Mandate recognised by the Crown for Treaty of Waitangi settlement negotiations.
Mandated iwi organisation in the Māori Fisheries Act 2004.
Iwi Aquaculture Organisation in the Māori Commercial Aquaculture Claims Settlement Act 2004.
Represents Muaūpoko as an "iwi authority" for the purposes of the Resource Management Act 1991.
Tūhono organisation.
Legal entity: Incorporated Society
Governance structure: Two board members from each of the seven hapū.
Chair: Tim Tukapua
CEO: Di Rump
RMA Contact: Di Rump Email:
Postal Address:
PO Box 1080,
Levin 5510.
Physical Address:
1/306 Oxford Street,
Phone: 06 367 3311
Mobile: 021 021 61043