Ngāti Rangi commercial fisheries settlement interests lie with Te Atihaunui a Pāpārangi as part of the Whanganui Confederation.

Population: Registered members: 4,000 (August 2020)

Rohe map for Ngāti Rangi.

This rohe map represents the area over which Ngāti Rangi exercises kaitiakitanga for the purposes of the Resource Management Act 1991 and is based on the Area of Interest agreed between Ngāti Rangi and the Crown in the Deed of Settlement signed on 10 March 2018. Ngāti Rangi Area of Interest from the Deed of Settlement [PDF, 932KB].

This rohe extends into the regions or districts of these local authorities:

Regional Council
Horizons Regional Council (Manawatū-Whanganui)
Territorial Authority
Ruapehu District Council
Whanganui District Council

Contact information for hapū and marae may be provided by the Representative Organisation at their discretion.





Ngāi Tuhi Ariki Tuhi Ariki *No wharenui* Oruakura Junction, Raetihi
Ngāti Hīoi Tirohia *No wharenui* Tukaki Road, Karioi
Ngāti Parenga Kuratahi Te Karere Kuratahi Station, Ruanui Road, Taihape
Ngāti Patutokotoko Mō te Katoa Motekatoa 7674 Valley Road, Raetihi
  Pūtiki Te Paku o Te Rangi / Aotea 25 Takarangi Street, Whanganui
  Waitahupārae *No wharenui* Ruatītī Valley
Ngāti Rangi ki Tai Te Ao Hou Te Puawaitanga 356 Somme Parade, Aramoho
Ngāti Rangihaereroa Tirorangi Rangiteauria 742 Whangaehu Valley Road, Tangiwai
Ngāti Rangipoutaka Not yet identified
Ngāti Rangiteauria Tirorangi Rangiteauria 742 Whangaehu Valley Road, Tangiwai
Ngāti Rangituhia Kuratahi Te Karere Kuratahi Station, Ruanui Road, Taihape
  Raketapauma Rangituhia 24 Maukuku Road, Taihape
Ngāti Tongaiti Ngā Mōkai Whakarongo 2175 Oruakukuru Road, Ohakune
  Tirorangi Rangiteauria 742 Whangaehu Valley Road, Tangiwai
Ngāti Tui o Nuku Maungārongo Tikaraina Ringapoto / Ko Te Kingi o Te Maungārongo 36 Burns Street, Ohakune
Uenukumanawawiri Marangai *No wharepuni* Marangai, Raetihi
  Mō te Katoa Motekatoa 7674 Valley Road, Raetihi
  Raetihi Ko te Whakaaro Tahi ki te Whakapono 49 Raetihi-Ohākune Road, Raetihi

Iwi Representative Organisations

1 Iwi Representative Organisation:

Te Tōtarahoe o Paerangi Trust

Last updated: 11/03/2025

Post-Treaty settlement governance entity. Post-Treaty settlement governance entity [ Deed of Settlement signed with the Crown on 10 March 2018 ].

Resource Management Act consultation. Represents Ngāti Rangi as an "iwi authority" for the purposes of the Resource Management Act 1991.

Legal entity: Trust

Governance structure: Two trustees appointed from Te Kāhui o Paerangi; five trustees elected at large (currently seven interim trustees).

Chair: Tomairangi Mareikura

Pou Arahi: Helen Leahy

Secretary: Aisha Kumeroa

Pou Taiao: Deana Wilson Email:

Postal Address:
PO Box 195,
Ohakune 4660.

Physical Address:
1 Mountain Road,
Ohākune Junction,

Phone: 06 385 9500

Mobile: 021 881 031

