Recognised iwi in the Māori Fisheries Act 2004
Population: Census 2013: 15,135 (does not include 1401 Ngāti Kauwhata or any of 11,697 "Tainui but iwi not specified", or 4,785 "Raukawa region unspecified")

Mai i Waitapu ki Rangataua. Mai i Miria te Kakara ki Kukutauaki (ko te rohe pōtae o Ngāti Raukawa).
This rohe map represents the area over which Ngāti Raukawa ki te Tonga exercises kaitiakitanga for the purposes of the Resource Management Act 1991.
This rohe extends into the regions or districts of these local authorities:
Contact information for hapū and marae may be provided by the Representative Organisation at their discretion.
Hapū | Marae | Wharenui | Location |
Ngāti Hikitanga | Kikopiri | Kikopiri | 242 Muhunoa West Road, Ōhau |
Ngāti Huia | Huia | Huia | 507 SH1, Levin |
Katihiku | Tamatehura | 195 Swamp Road, Te Horo | |
Matau | Matau | 17 Clay Road North, Levin | |
Ngāti Kapumanawawhiti | Te Pou o Tainui (Tainui) | Kapumanawawhiti | 20 Convent Road, Ōtaki |
Ngāti Kauwhata | Aorangi | Maniaihu | 6 Waughs Road (near Camerons Line), Feilding |
Kauwhata (Kai Iwi Pā) | Kauwhata | 148A Te Arakura Road, Feilding | |
Ngāti Kikopiri | Kikopiri | Kikopiri | 242 Muhunoa West Road, Ōhau |
Ngāti Korokī | Raukawa | Raukawa | 90 Mill Road, Ōtaki |
Ngāti Maiotaki | Raukawa | Raukawa | 90 Mill Road, Ōtaki |
Ngāti Manomano | Taumata o Te Rā | Manomano | 60 Hastings Street, Halcombe |
Ngāti Matakore | Te Hiiri o Mahuta | Te Hiiri o Mahuta | 112 Pryces Line, Kākāriki |
Ngāti Ngārongo | Kererū | Mahinārangi | 488 Kōputaroa Road, Kōputaroa |
Ngāti Pare | Raukawa | Raukawa | 90 Mill Road, Ōtaki |
Ngāti Pareraukawa | Ngātokowaru | Ngātokowaru | 580 Hōkio Beach Road, Hōkio Beach |
Ngāti Parewahawaha | Parewahawaha (Ōhinepuhiawe) | Parewahawaha | 2 Domain Road, Bulls |
Ngāti Pikiahuwaewae | Poupatatē | Poupatatē | 199 Reureu Road, Halcombe |
Te Tikanga (Tokorangi) | Te Tikanga | 819 Tokorangi Road, Tokorangi | |
Ngāti Rākau | Motuiti | Rakau / Paewai | 278 SH1, Himatangi |
Ngāti Rangatahi | Te Hiiri o Mahuta | Te Hiiri o Mahuta | 112 Pryces Line, Kākāriki |
Ngāti Takihiku | Kererū | Mahinārangi | 488 Kōputaroa Road, Kōputaroa |
Ngāti Te Au | Paranui | Turanga | SH1, Himatangi |
Ngāti Tūkorehe | Tūkorehe | Tūkorehe | 615 SH1, Manakau |
Ngāti Tūranga | Paranui | Turanga | SH1, Himatangi |
Ngāti Wehi Wehi | Wehi Wehi | Wehi Wehi | 944 SH1, Manakau |
Ngāti Whakatere | Whakawehi | Poutu | 1281 Foxton-Shannon Road, Moutoa |
3 Representative Organisations found:
Iwi Representative Organisations
2 Iwi Representative Organisations:
Te Rūnanga o Raukawa Incorporated
Last updated: 12/12/2024
Represents Ngāti Raukawa ki te Tonga as an "iwi authority" for the purposes of the Resource Management Act 1991.
Tūhono organisation.
Legal entity: Incorporated Society
Governance structure: One representative from each of the 24 marae/hapū on the Rūnanga Whāiti.
Chair: Kelly Bevan
CEO: Rārite Mātaki
Secretary: Mihiarangi Tait
RMA Contact: Rārite Mātaki Ph: 027 474 2373 Email:
Postal Address:
PO Box 233,
Levin 5510.
Physical Address:
58 Bath Street,
Mobile: 027 474 2373
Ngāti Raukawa ki te Tonga Trust
Last updated: 15/06/2023
Mandated iwi organisation in the Māori Fisheries Act 2004.
Iwi Aquaculture Organisation in the Māori Commercial Aquaculture Claims Settlement Act 2004.
Tūhono organisation.
Legal entity: Common Law Trust
Governance structure: Five to seven trustees elected by the iwi whānui.
Chair: Rachael Selby
Secretary: Cassidy Pidduck
Postal Address:
PO Box 15012,
Ōtaki 5512.
Physical Address:
144 Tasman Road,
Mobile: 027 353 8433
Groups that represent hapū of this iwi for the purposes of the RMA
1 Group that represents hapū of this iwi for the purposes of the RMA:
Ngāti Kikopiri Māori Marae Komiti Society Inc
Last updated: 15/06/2023
Represents the hapū (named below) for the purposes of the Resource Management Act 1991.
Area of Interest: From Wiwiri Beach to the Ōhau River and east to the Tararua Ranges.
Hapū Represented: Ngāti Kikopiri
Local Authorities: Horizons Regional Council; Horowhenua District Council; Greater Wellington Regional Council; Kapiti Coast District Council
Legal entity: Incorporated Society
Chairperson: Rob Kuiti
Secretary: Heeni Collins
RMA Contact: Heeni Collins Ph: 027 335 1535 Email:
Physical Address:
59 Tennis Court Road,
Raumati South,
Phone: 04 904 2349
Mobile: 027 335 1535