Recognised iwi in the Māori Fisheries Act 2004. Recognised iwi in the Māori Fisheries Act 2004

Population: Census 2013: 3,705 (2,217 Tāmaki nui-ā-Rua / Wairarapa and 1,488 Manawatū - does not include 948 "Rangitāne region unspecified")

Rohe map for Rangitāne.

This rohe map represents the area over which Rangitāne o Manawatū and Rangitāne o Wairarapa & Rangitāne o Tāmaki nui-ā-Rua exercise kaitiakitanga for the purposes of the Resource Management Act 1991 and is based on the areas of interest agreed between Rangitāne o Wairarapa & Rangitāne o Tāmaki nui-ā-Rua and the Crown in the Deed of Settlement signed on 14 November 2015, and Rangitāne o Manawatū and the Crown in the Deed of Settlement signed on 6 August 2016.

Rangitāne o Wairarapa & Rangitāne o Tāmaki nui-ā-Rua Area of Interest from the Deed of Settlement [JPG, 267KB].

Rangitāne o Manawatū Area of Interest from the Deed of Settlement [JPG, 250KB].

This rohe extends into the regions or districts of these local authorities:

Regional Council
Horizons Regional Council (Manawatū-Whanganui)
Greater Wellington Regional Council
Territorial Authority
Manawatū District Council
Palmerston North City Council
Tararua District Council
Horowhenua District Council
Masterton District Council
Carterton District Council
South Wairarapa District Council

Contact information for hapū and marae may be provided by the Representative Organisation at their discretion.






Ngāti Hineaute Te Hotu Manawa Tūturu Pumau 138 Maxwell's Line, Palmerston North
Ngāti Kapuārangi Te Hotu Manawa Tūturu Pumau 138 Maxwell's Line, Palmerston North
Ngāti Mairehau Motuiti Rakau / Paewai 278 SH1, Himatangi
Ngāti Rangiaranaki Te Hotu Manawa Tūturu Pumau 138 Maxwell's Line, Palmerston North
Ngāti Rangitepaia Te Hotu Manawa Tūturu Pumau 138 Maxwell's Line, Palmerston North
  Te Rangimarie 1180 Rangiotu Road, Palmerston North
Ngāti Tauira Te Hotu Manawa Tūturu Pumau 138 Maxwell's Line, Palmerston North

Tāmaki nui-ā-Rua





Ngāi Tahu Hurunui o Rangi Hurunui o Rangi 457 Gladstone Road, Gladstone
  Rakautātahi Te Poho o Te Whatuiapiti 24 Snee Road, Takapau Plains
Ngāti Hāmua Pahiatua Te Kohanga Whakawhaiiti 18 Riccarton Road, Pahiatua
Ngāti Matetapu - No existing marae -
Ngāti Mutuahi Mākirikiri Aotea Tuatoru 23 Makirikiri Road, Dannevirke
  Pāpāuma Te Aroha o Aohanga / Pāpāuma 446 Aohanga Road, Pongaroa
  Whiti te Rā (Poherau) Marama 56 Maharahara Road, Dannevirke
Ngāti Pakapaka Kaitoki Kaitoki Memorial Hall 240 Weber Road, Dannevirke
  Pāpāuma Te Aroha o Aohanga / Pāpāuma 446 Aohanga Road, Pongaroa
Ngāti Parakiore - No existing marae -
Ngāti Rangitotohu Rakautātahi Te Poho o Te Whatuiapiti 24 Snee Road, Takapau Plains
Ngāti Ruatōtara - No existing marae -
Ngāti Te Koro Te Ahu a Turanga i Mua Te Ahu a Turanga i Mua 56 Tay Street, Woodville
Ngāti Te Rangiwhakaewa Kaitoki Kaitoki Memorial Hall 240 Weber Road, Dannevirke
  Mākirikiri Aotea Tuatoru 23 Makirikiri Road, Dannevirke
  Te Ahu a Turanga i Mua Te Ahu a Turanga i Mua 56 Tay Street, Woodville
Ngāti Whakawehi - No existing marae -
Te Hika a Pāpāuma Pāpāuma Te Aroha o Aohanga / Pāpāuma 446 Aohanga Road, Pongaroa
Te Kapuārangi Pahiatua Te Kohanga Whakawhaiiti 18 Riccarton Road, Pahiatua






Hinetearorangi Te Oreore Ngā Tau e Waru 81 Te Ore Ore-Bideford Road, Masterton
Ngāi Tamahau Te Oreore Ngā Tau e Waru 81 Te Ore Ore-Bideford Road, Masterton
Ngāti Hāmua Te Oreore Ngā Tau e Waru 81 Te Ore Ore-Bideford Road, Masterton
Ngāti Hinetauira - No existing marae -
Ngāti Mātangiuru Ākura *No wharenui* 142 Ākura Road, Masterton
Ngāti Meroiti Pāpāwai Hikurangi 18 Pah Road, Pāpāwai
Ngāti Moe Pāpāwai Hikurangi 18 Pah Road, Pāpāwai
Ngāti Taimahu Te Oreore Ngā Tau e Waru 81 Te Ore Ore-Bideford Road, Masterton
Ngāti Tangatakau Te Oreore Ngā Tau e Waru 81 Te Ore Ore-Bideford Road, Masterton
Ngāti Tauiao Pāpāwai Hikurangi 18 Pah Road, Pāpāwai
Ngāti Te Atawhā - No existing marae -
Ngāti Te Hina Ākura *No wharenui* 142 Ākura Road, Masterton
Ngāti Te Noti Te Oreore Ngā Tau e Waru 81 Te Ore Ore-Bideford Road, Masterton
Ngāti Te Raetea Te Oreore Ngā Tau e Waru 81 Te Ore Ore-Bideford Road, Masterton
Ngāti Te Whakamana - No existing marae -
Ngāti Te Whātui Te Oreore Ngā Tau e Waru 81 Te Ore Ore-Bideford Road, Masterton
Ngāti Tūkoko Kohunui Tuhirangi 2417 Lake Ferry Road, Pirinoa
  Pāpāwai Hikurangi 18 Pah Road, Pāpāwai

Iwi Representative Organisations

6 Iwi Representative Organisations:

Rangitāne Tū Mai Rā Trust

Last updated: 11/03/2025

Post-Treaty settlement governance entity. Post-Treaty settlement governance entity [ Rangitāne Tū Mai Rā (Wairarapa Tāmaki nui-ā-Rua) Claims Settlement Act 2017 ].

Legal entity: Common Law Trust

Governance structure: Five - seven trustees of Rangitāne descent.

Chair: Sonya Rimene

CEO: Darrin Apanui

Operations Manager: Elaine Durie

RMA Contact: Darrin Apanui Ph: 022 685 0048 Email:

Postal Address:
PO Box 302,
Masterton 5810.

Physical Address:
Level 1,
17 Perry Street,

Phone: 0800 TU MAI RA / 06 370 1606



Rangitāne o Manawatū Settlement Trust

Last updated: 6/10/2023

Post-Treaty settlement governance entity. Post-Treaty settlement governance entity [ Rangitāne o Manawatū Claims Settlement Act 2016 ].

Legal entity: Common Law Trust

Governance structure: One trustee from each of six Member hapū (Ngāti Hineaute; Ngāti Kapuārangi; Ngāti Mairehau; Ngāti Rangiaranaki; Ngāti Rangitepaia and Ngāti Tauira).

Chair: Chris Whaiapu

Secretary: Debbie Te Puni

Postal Address:
PO Box 1341,
Palmerston North Central,
Palmerston North 4440.

Physical Address:
140-148 Maxwells Line,
Palmerston North.

Phone: 06 353 1881



Te Ohu Tiaki o Rangitāne Te Ika a Māui Trust

Last updated: 11/03/2025

Mandated iwi organisation in the Māori Fisheries Act 2004. Mandated iwi organisation in the Māori Fisheries Act 2004.

Iwi Aquaculture Organisation in the Māori Commercial Aquaculture Claims Settlement Act 2004. Iwi Aquaculture Organisation in the Māori Commercial Aquaculture Claims Settlement Act 2004.

Tūhono organisation. Tūhono organisation.

Legal entity: Charitable Trust

Governance structure: One trustee appointed by each of Tanenuiarangi Manawatū, Rangitāne o Wairarapa and Rangitāne o Tāmaki nui-ā-Rua.

Chair: Stephen Paewai

Executive CEO: Stephen Paewai

Postal Address:
PO Box 1341,
Palmerston North Central,
Palmerston North 4440.

Physical Address:
140 - 148 Maxwell's Line,
Palmerston North.

Phone: 06 590 9480

Mobile: 021 165 8685

Email: ,

Tanenuiarangi Manawatū Charitable Trust

Last updated: 11/03/2025

Resource Management Act consultation. Represents Rangitāne as an "iwi authority" for the purposes of the Resource Management Act 1991.

Area of Interest (Rohe): Click to see Tanenuiarangi Manawatū Area of Interest map [JPG, 320KB].
Local Authorities: Horizons Regional Council; Manawatū District Council; Palmerston North City Council; Horowhenua District Council.

Tūhono organisation. Tūhono organisation.

➤ Affiliate iwi organisation of Te Ohu Tiaki o Rangitāne Te Ika a Māui Trust.

Legal entity: Incorporated Society

Governance structure: Up to 9 Executive Committee members who represent the hapū of Rangitāne o Manawatū.

President: Lisa Check

CEO: Danielle Harris

Secretary: Shelley Reardon

Postal Address:
PO Box 1341,
Palmerston North Central,
Palmerston North 4440.

Physical Address:
140-148 Maxwells Line,
Palmerston North.

Phone: 06 353 1881



Rangitāne o Tāmaki nui-ā-Rua

Last updated: 11/03/2025

Resource Management Act consultation. Represents Rangitāne as an "iwi authority" for the purposes of the Resource Management Act 1991.

Area of Interest (Rohe): Click to see Rangitāne o Tāmaki nui-ā-Rua Area of Interest map [JPG, 166KB].
Local Authorities: Horizons Regional Council; Tararua District Council.

➤ Affiliate iwi organisation of Te Ohu Tiaki o Rangitāne Te Ika a Māui Trust.

Legal entity: Incorporated Society

Governance structure: One trustee from each of seven hapū.

Co-Chair: Mavis Mullins

Co-Chair: Lorraine Stephenson

GM: Shaun Lines

Te Whare Taiao o Rangitāne: Lucretia Mason Ph: 06 374 4185 Email:

Postal Address:
PO Box 62,
Dannevirke 4942.

Physical Address:
10 Gordon Street,

Phone: 06 374 6860

Mobile: 027 244 1424



Rangitāne o Wairarapa

Last updated: 11/03/2025

Resource Management Act consultation. Represents Rangitāne as an "iwi authority" for the purposes of the Resource Management Act 1991.

Area of Interest (Rohe): Click to see Rangitāne o Wairarapa Area of Interest map [JPG, 166KB].
Local Authorities: Greater Wellington Regional Council; South Wairarapa District Council; Carterton District Council; Masterton District Council.

➤ Affiliate iwi organisation of Te Ohu Tiaki o Rangitāne Te Ika a Māui Trust.

Legal entity: Incorporated Society

Governance structure: Eight board members elected by iwi whānui plus one (presiding) kaumātua.

Co-Chair: Jo Hayes

CEO/GM: Mihirangi Hollings

Co-Chair: Jack Morris

RMA Contact: Horipo Rimene Ph: 06 370 0608 Email:

Postal Address:
PO Box 354,
Masterton 5840.

Physical Address:
Te Hamua,
12 Kokiri Place,

Phone: 06 370 0600

