Te Korowai o Wainuiārua (Central Whanganui) is the community of individuals who descend from one or more of the following tūpuna (ancestors): Tamakana, Tamahaki or Uenuku ki Manganui-o-te-Ao, nā Tūkaihoro.

Population: Registered members: 2,178

Rohe map for Te Korowai o Wainuiārua (Central Whanganui).

This rohe map represents the area over which Te Korowai o Wainuiārua exercises kaitiakitanga for the purposes of the Resource Management Act 1991 and is based on the Area of Interest in the Deed of Settlement initialled with the Crown on 12 December 2022. Te Korowai o Wainuiārua Area of Interest from the Deed of Settlement [PDF, 380KB].

Te Korowai o Wainuiārua area of interest of Tamakana, Tamahaki and Uenuku begins on Ruapehu Maunga, Paratetaitonga down the Whakapapa Nui to the Whanganui River. Then down the Whanganui River to the southern boundary of the Koiro Block, then to the northern boundary of the Maraekōwhai Block and onto the Taranaki Boundary. The boundary then moves in a south west direction along the western boundaries of Maraekōwhai Block and Taumatamahoe Block. Then in a south east direction down the Whakaihuwaka Block then across to the Whanganui River, down the River to Matahiwi. Then follow the Matahiwi track to Raukawa Falls then across to Rangiwaea Junction and onto Raketapauma, down to Mataroa and across to Moawhango. Up the Moawhango River to Lake Moawhango, then the boundary goes to the Whangaehu River and follows that river to Te Waiamoe then up to Paretetaitonga.

This rohe extends into the regions or districts of these local authorities:

Regional Council
Horizons Regional Council (Manawatū-Whanganui)
Territorial Authority
Ruapehu District Council

Contact information for hapū and marae may be provided by the Representative Organisation at their discretion.

Hapū are associated with all Marae.



Ngāti Atamira
Ngāti Hau
Ngāti Hinehika
Ngāti Hinekoropango
Ngāti Hinekura
Ngāti Hinewai
Ngāti Hotu
Ngāti Kahukurapango
Ngāti Kurawhatia
Ngāti Maringi
Ngāti Pare
Ngāti Poumua
Ngāti Rangi ki Manganui o Te Ao
Ngati Rangitengaue
Ngāti Ruakōpiri
Ngāti Ruru
Ngati Tamahuatahi
Ngāti Tamakana
Ngāti Tara
Ngāti Tauengarero
Ngāti Te Wairehe
Ngāti Tukaiora
Ngāti Tūmanuka
Ngāti Uenuku
Ngāti Whaikiterangi
Ngāti Whawhakea





Mākaranui Te Kotahitanga 505 Raetihi-Ohākune Road, Raetihi
Mangamingi Tamakana 350 Raetihi-Ohākune Road, Raetihi
Mangapapapa Te Oranga Wairua Mangapapapa, via Whanganui River
Mō te Katoa Motekatoa 7674 Valley Road, Raetihi
Raetihi Ko te Whakaaro Tahi ki te Whakapono 49 Raetihi-Ohākune Road, Raetihi
Tīeke Te Puawaitanga o Hinekura Tīeke, via Whanganui River

Iwi Representative Organisations

1 Iwi Representative Organisation:

Uenuku Charitable Trust

Last updated: 27/02/2025

Mandate recognised by the Crown for Treaty of Waitangi settlement negotiations. Mandate recognised by the Crown for Treaty of Waitangi settlement negotiations [ Deed of Settlement signed with the Crown on 29 July 2023 ].

Legal entity: Charitable Trust

Governance structure: 38 trustees comprising 26 hapū, 3 marae (Raetihi, Mangamingi and Mākaranui) 3 Wai claimants, 3 uri and 3 rangatahi.
Note: Uenuku Charitable Trust represents uri of Uenuku for all matters; it represents Uenuku, Tamakana and Tamahaki only for Treaty settlement purposes.

Chair: Aiden Gilbert

Treaty Project Manager: Steven Hirini

Taiao: Don Robinson Email: taiao@uenuku.iwi.nz

Postal Address:
PO Box 102,
Raetihi 4632.

Physical Address:
28 Queen Street,

Phone: 06 385 4900

Mobile: 021 651 958

Email: enquiries@uenuku.iwi.nz

Website: https://www.uenuku.iwi.nz