Recognised iwi in the Māori Fisheries Act 2004
Population: Census 2013: 35,361 (does not include any of 11,697 "Tainui but iwi not specified")

This rohe map represents the area over which Maniapoto exercises kaitiakitanga for the purposes of the Resource Management Act 1991 and is based on the Area of Interest agreed between Maniapoto and the Crown in the Deed of Settlement signed on 11 November 2021. Maniapoto Area of Interest from the Deed of Settlement [PDF, 120KB].
The Maniapoto rohe covers the northern sector of what is commonly known as the King Country or Te Rohe Pōtae. The Maniapoto boundaries stretch from Te Awamutu in the north to Waipingau Stream (south of the Tongaporutu River) and Taumarunui in the South.
This rohe extends into the regions or districts of these local authorities:
These seven rohe areas are provided for ease of navigation. They do not imply any representative status.
Contact information for hapū and marae may be provided by the Representative Organisation at their discretion.
Hauāuru ki Uta Rohe
Hapū | Marae | Wharenui | Location |
Ngāti Huiao | Rereamanu | Te Kawau Maro I & II | 465 Te Kuiti Road, Ōtorohanga |
Te Kauae | Te Kauae o Niu Tereni | 954 Mangarino Road, Hangātiki | |
Ngāti Kinohaku | Marokopa | Miromiro i te Pō | across the river from Esplanade, Marokopa |
Te Kauae | Te Kauae o Niu Tereni | 954 Mangarino Road, Hangātiki | |
Ngāti Matakore | Kaputuhi | Kaputuhi | 81 Waitomo Caves Road, Hangātiki |
Ngāti Pare Te Kawa | Kaputuhi | Kaputuhi | 81 Waitomo Caves Road, Hangātiki |
Ngāti Peehi | Kaputuhi | Kaputuhi | 81 Waitomo Caves Road, Hangātiki |
Marokopa | Miromiro i te Pō | across the river from Esplanade, Marokopa | |
Te Kauae | Te Kauae o Niu Tereni | 954 Mangarino Road, Hangātiki | |
Te Korapatu | Te Korapatu | 102 Hangatiki East Road, Hangātiki | |
Ngāti Rōrā | Kaputuhi | Kaputuhi | 81 Waitomo Caves Road, Hangātiki |
Ngāti Ruapuha | Tokikapu | Matua a Iwi | Te Anga Road, Waitomo |
Ngāti Te Kanawa | Marokopa | Miromiro i te Pō | across the river from Esplanade, Marokopa |
Rereamanu | Te Kawau Maro I & II | 465 Te Kuiti Road, Ōtorohanga | |
Te Kauae | Te Kauae o Niu Tereni | 954 Mangarino Road, Hangātiki | |
Te Korapatu | Te Korapatu | 102 Hangatiki East Road, Hangātiki | |
Tokikapu | Matua a Iwi | Te Anga Road, Waitomo | |
Ngāti Uekaha | Pohatuiri | *No wharenui* | 84 Ngātapuwae Road, Waitomo |
Tokikapu | Matua a Iwi | Te Anga Road, Waitomo |
Mokau ki Runga Rohe
Hapū | Marae | Wharenui | Location |
Ngāti Apakura | Mōkau Kohunui | Ko Tama Tāne | 20 Moa Street, Pio Pio |
Ngāti Kinohaku | Mōkau Kohunui | Ko Tama Tāne | 20 Moa Street, Pio Pio |
Ngāti Matakore | Napinapi | Parekahoki | 57 Napinapi Road, Pio Pio |
Ngāti Paemate | Te Paemate | 66 Ohura Road, Āria | |
Ngāti Pare Te Kawa | Napinapi | Parekahoki | 57 Napinapi Road, Pio Pio |
Ngāti Rākei | Maniaroa | Maniaroa | 5183 SH3, Awakino |
Te Kawau Papakāinga | Waiopapa | 4455 Mōkau Road, Mōkau | |
Ngāti Rōrā | Te Kawau Papakāinga | Waiopapa | 4455 Mōkau Road, Mōkau |
Ngāti Rungaterangi | Maniaroa | Maniaroa | 5183 SH3, Awakino |
Te Kawau Papakāinga | Waiopapa | 4455 Mōkau Road, Mōkau | |
Ngāti Te Rukirangi | Te Rukirangi Papakāinga | Ōhura | |
Ngāti Waiora | Maniaroa | Maniaroa | 5183 SH3, Awakino |
Mōkau Kohunui | Ko Tama Tāne | 20 Moa Street, Pio Pio |
Nehenehenui Rohe
Hapū | Marae | Wharenui | Location |
Mākino | Kakepuku Papakāinga | 343 Te Mawhai Road, Te Mawhai | |
Ngāti Apakura | Kahotea | Whatihua | 50 Kahotea Road, Ōtorohanga |
Pūrekireki | Marutehiakina | 125 Ormsby Road, Pirongia | |
Ngāti Hinetū | Kahotea | Whatihua | 50 Kahotea Road, Ōtorohanga |
Ngāti Hinewai | Tārewānga | Te Rau a te Moa | 5 Ouruwhero Road, Ōtorohanga |
Ngāti Kahu | Kakepuku Papakāinga | 343 Te Mawhai Road, Te Mawhai | |
Te Kōpua | Ko Unu | 213 Morgan Road, Pokuru | |
Ngāti Mahuta | Maketū | Auau ki te Rangi | 614 Kaora Street, Kāwhia |
Ngāti Matakore | Kahotea | Whatihua | 50 Kahotea Road, Ōtorohanga |
Kakepuku Papakāinga | 343 Te Mawhai Road, Te Mawhai | ||
Otewa | Ko Te Hokingamai ki te Nehenehenui | 987 Otewa Road, Ōtorohanga | |
Ngāti Ngāwaero | Ngāwaero Papakāinga | Morgan Road, Pokuru | |
Ngāti Ngutu | Kakepuku Papakāinga | 343 Te Mawhai Road, Te Mawhai | |
Mangatoatoa | Te Maru o Ihowa | 66 Te Mawhai Road, Te Awamutu | |
Otewa | Ko Te Hokingamai ki te Nehenehenui | 987 Otewa Road, Ōtorohanga | |
Te Keeti | Parewaeono | 92 Phillips Avenue, Ōtorohanga | |
Ngāti Pare Te Kawa | Kahotea | Whatihua | 50 Kahotea Road, Ōtorohanga |
Mangatoatoa | Te Maru o Ihowa | 66 Te Mawhai Road, Te Awamutu | |
Tārewānga | Te Rau a te Moa | 5 Ouruwhero Road, Ōtorohanga | |
Ngāti Parewaeono | Mangatoatoa | Te Maru o Ihowa | 66 Te Mawhai Road, Te Awamutu |
Otewa | Ko Te Hokingamai ki te Nehenehenui | 987 Otewa Road, Ōtorohanga | |
Te Keeti | Parewaeono | 92 Phillips Avenue, Ōtorohanga | |
Ngāti Pourāhui | Hīona | Haona Kaha and Te Awananui | 151 Robertson Road, Puketōtara |
Turitea | Honikiwi Road, Ōtorohanga | ||
Ngāti Rereahu | Otewa | Ko Te Hokingamai ki te Nehenehenui | 987 Otewa Road, Ōtorohanga |
Ngāti Rungaterangi | Tārewānga | Te Rau a te Moa | 5 Ouruwhero Road, Ōtorohanga |
Ngāti Te Kanawa | Te Kotahitanga | Te Kotahitanga | 93 Otewa Road, Ōtorohanga |
Te Whakaaro Kotahi | *Wharenui disused* | 662 Te Kawa Road, Te Kawa | |
Ngāti Unu | Te Kōpua | Ko Unu | 213 Morgan Road, Pokuru |
Ngāti Urunumia | Otewa | Ko Te Hokingamai ki te Nehenehenui | 987 Otewa Road, Ōtorohanga |
Tārewānga | Te Rau a te Moa | 5 Ouruwhero Road, Ōtorohanga | |
Te Keeti | Parewaeono | 92 Phillips Avenue, Ōtorohanga | |
Te Kotahitanga | Te Kotahitanga | 93 Otewa Road, Ōtorohanga | |
Ngāti Waiora | Kakepuku Papakāinga | 343 Te Mawhai Road, Te Mawhai |
Ngā Tai o Kāwhia Rohe
Hapū | Marae | Wharenui | Location |
Kerapa | Rākaunui | Moanakahakore | 335 Rākaunui Road, Hauturu |
Ngāti Apakura | Mōkai Kainga | Ko Te Mōkai | 111 Aotea Road, Kāwhia |
Ngāti Kiriwai | Omokoroa | Ngā Roimata | 199 Berntsen Road, Kāwhia |
Ngāti Peehi | Te Māhoe | *No buildings yet on site* | Owhiro Road, Kāwhia |
Ngāti Tamainu | Tokopiko | *No wharenui* | Rākaunui, Kāwhia |
Ngāti Te Kanawa | Te Māhoe | *No buildings yet on site* | Owhiro Road, Kāwhia |
Tokopiko | *No wharenui* | Rākaunui, Kāwhia | |
Ngāti Te Urupare | Te Māhoe | *No buildings yet on site* | Owhiro Road, Kāwhia |
Ngāti Uekaha | Te Māhoe | *No buildings yet on site* | Owhiro Road, Kāwhia |
Takiari | Rākaunui | Moanakahakore | 335 Rākaunui Road, Hauturu |
Te Waha | Rākaunui | Moanakahakore | 335 Rākaunui Road, Hauturu |
Rereahu Rohe
Hapū | Marae | Wharenui | Location |
Ngāti Matakore | Mangapeehi | Rereahu | 2769 SH30, Mangapeehi |
Te Hape | Te Kaha Tuatini | 1038 SH30, Pureora | |
Ngāti Ngutu | Mangapeehi | Rereahu | 2769 SH30, Mangapeehi |
Te Hape | Te Kaha Tuatini | 1038 SH30, Pureora | |
Ngāti Pare | Mangapeehi | Rereahu | 2769 SH30, Mangapeehi |
Te Hape | Te Kaha Tuatini | 1038 SH30, Pureora | |
Ngāti Pare Raukawa | Mangapeehi | Rereahu | 2769 SH30, Mangapeehi |
Te Hape | Te Kaha Tuatini | 1038 SH30, Pureora | |
Ngāti Rereahu | Mangapeehi | Rereahu | 2769 SH30, Mangapeehi |
Te Hape | Te Kaha Tuatini | 1038 SH30, Pureora | |
Te Miringa te Kakara | Te Whetū Marama o Ngā Tau o Hinawa | SH30, Pureora | |
Ngāti Te Ihingarangi | Mangapeehi | Rereahu | 2769 SH30, Mangapeehi |
Te Hape | Te Kaha Tuatini | 1038 SH30, Pureora | |
Waimiha | Te Ihingarangi | 1736 Poro-o-Tarao Road (Service Road), Waimiha | |
Ngāti Tuwhakahekeao | Te Hape | Te Kaha Tuatini | 1038 SH30, Pureora |
Te Tokanganui a Noho Rohe
Hapū | Marae | Wharenui | Location |
Ngāti Apakura | Mangarama | Rongorongo | 534 SH3, Te Mapara |
Tāne Hopuwai | 560 SH3, Te Kūiti | ||
Tomotuki | Parekaitini | 366 Mangatea Road, Te Kūiti | |
Ngāti Kinohaku | Mōtītī | Ko te Hungaiti / Hapainga | 486 Mangatea Road, Te Kūiti |
Te Waipatoto | Waipatoto and Waipatoto Tuarua | 376 Oparure Road, Oparure | |
Ngāti Pare | Te Ahoroa | Tapairu | 703 Rangitoto Road, Te Kūiti |
Ngāti Parekaitini | Tomotuki | Parekaitini | 366 Mangatea Road, Te Kūiti |
Ngāti Peehi | Te Kumi | Te Korapatu (derelict) | 1594 SH3 (Te Kumi Road), Te Kūiti |
Ngāti Putaitemuri | Mōtītī | Ko te Hungaiti / Hapainga | 486 Mangatea Road, Te Kūiti |
Ngāti Rereahu | Te Ahoroa | Tapairu | 703 Rangitoto Road, Te Kūiti |
Ngāti Rōrā | Te Kumi | Te Korapatu (derelict) | 1594 SH3 (Te Kumi Road), Te Kūiti |
Te Piruru Papakāinga | Te Pukenui o Taonui | 62 Waitete Road, Te Kūiti | |
Te Tokanganui a Noho (Te Kūiti Pā) | Te Tokanganui a Noho | Awakino Road, Te Kūiti | |
Tomotuki | Parekaitini | 366 Mangatea Road, Te Kūiti | |
Ngāti Tauhunu | Mōtītī | Ko te Hungaiti / Hapainga | 486 Mangatea Road, Te Kūiti |
Tuhua Hikurangi Rohe
Hapū | Marae | Wharenui | Location |
Ngāti Hari | Hia Kaitupeka | Hari | 22 Kaitupeka Road, Taringamotu |
Ngāti Hinemihi | Petania | Hinemihi | Waitangi Road, Taringamotu |
Waipū | Taumarunui | ||
Wharauroa | Hikurangi | 184 Taupo Road, Taumarunui | |
Ngāti Mangu | Tū Whenua | Taumarunui | |
Ngāti Pāhere | Te Kōura | Te Karohirohi | 5345A SH4, Te Kōura |
Wharauroa | Hikurangi | 184 Taupo Road, Taumarunui | |
Ngāti Parewaeono | Petania | Hinemihi | Waitangi Road, Taringamotu |
Ngāti Raerae | Te Rongoroa | Ko Uehaeroa | Bennett Road, Ōngarue |
Ngāti Rangatahi | Wharauroa | Hikurangi | 184 Taupo Road, Taumarunui |
Ngāti Rewa | Tū Whenua | Taumarunui | |
Ngāti Rōrā | Petania | Hinemihi | Waitangi Road, Taringamotu |
Te Rongoroa | Ko Uehaeroa | Bennett Road, Ōngarue | |
Ngāti Tamakaitoa | Whānau Maria | Katarina Toia | 6053 SH4, Okahukura |
Ngāti Te Awhitu | Whānau Maria | Katarina Toia | 6053 SH4, Okahukura |
Ngāti Te Kanawa | Hia Kaitupeka | Hari | 22 Kaitupeka Road, Taringamotu |
Ngāti Tupu | Tū Whenua | Taumarunui |
Iwi Representative Organisations
1 Iwi Representative Organisation:
Te Nehenehenui Trust
Last updated: 11/03/2025
Post-Treaty settlement governance entity [ Maniapoto Claims Settlement Act 2022 ].
Mandated iwi organisation in the Māori Fisheries Act 2004.
Iwi Aquaculture Organisation in the Māori Commercial Aquaculture Claims Settlement Act 2004.
Represents Maniapoto as an "iwi authority" for the purposes of the Resource Management Act 1991.
Matters specific to the RMA are managed through the Board's Regional Management Committees. For contact information visit their website, given below.
Tūhono organisation.
Legal entity: Common Law Trust
Governance structure: One Ngā Kura Tau trustee from each of seven Whare o Nehenehenui (regions); six Ngā Kura Rere trustees elected by adult registered members; plus one Kura Kaumātua representative appointed by the trustees.
Chair: Peter Douglas
CEO: Samuel Mikaere
RMA / Whanake Taiao: Tramaine Murray Ph: 07 878 6234 Email:
Postal Address:
PO Box 36,
Te Kūiti 3941.
Physical Address:
49 Taupiri Street,
Te Kūiti.
Phone: 07 878 6234 / 0800 668 285