Recognised iwi in the Māori Fisheries Act 2004
Population: Census 2013: 2,253

This rohe map represents the area over which Ngāti Manawa exercises kaitiakitanga for the purposes of the Resource Management Act 1991.
See also the Area of Interest agreed between Ngāti Manawa and the Crown in the Deed of Settlement signed on 12 December 2009. Ngāti Manawa Area of Interest from the Deed of Settlement [JPG, 112KB].
Mai i Raepohatu ki Tawhiuau ka whai i te Horomanga ki Te Pukiore, ki Tarapounamu, ka huri ki te tonga ki Te Taru o Tu, i te Mangahika ki MaungaTaniwha, ki te Taua a Rae, ki Kakanui, Pukerimu, ki Whangonui ki te wahapū o Waipunga, ka heke ki Okoromatakitoi, ki te wahapū o Otamatea ki tona pūtahitanga ki Rangitaiki, ka huri ki te whakate rāwhiti ki Te Arawhataotenohoomoki, ki te raki ki Te Arawhataoteparinga, ki Wairapukao, Te Upoko o Po, ki Te Ahiwhakamura, Te Korokoro o te Huatahi, ki Waitehouhi, ki Te Anaruru, ki Pukemoremore, a ka hoki ki Raepohatu.
This rohe extends into the regions or districts of these local authorities:
Contact information for hapū and marae may be provided by the Representative Organisation at their discretion.
Hapū | Marae | Wharenui | Location |
Moewhare | Moewhare (Karangaranga) | Moewhare | 1027 Kopuriki Road, Murupara |
Ngāi Tokowaru | Tīpapa | Tangiharuru | 1567 Kopuriki Road, Murupara |
Ngāti Hui | Rangitahi | Apahapaitaketake | 32F Ngāti Manawa Road, Murupara |
Ngāti Koro | Painoaiho | Ruatapu | 793 Whirinaki Road, Galatea |
Iwi Representative Organisations
1 Iwi Representative Organisation:
Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Manawa
Last updated: 11/03/2025
Post-Treaty settlement governance entity [ Ngāti Manawa Claims Settlement Act 2012 ].
Post settlement governance entity to represent Ngāti Manawa interests in the Central North Island Forests Land Collective Settlement 2008.
Mandated iwi organisation in the Māori Fisheries Act 2004.
Represents Ngāti Manawa as an "iwi authority" for the purposes of the Resource Management Act 1991.
Tūhono organisation.
Legal entity: Common Law Trust
Governance structure: Three trustees from each of 4 marae.
Chair: Eugene Berryman-Kamp
CEO: Maramena Vercoe
Iwi Registrar: Ima Nuku
RMA Contact: Maramena Vercoe Email:
Postal Address:
PO Box 116,
Murupara 3025.
Physical Address:
9B Koromiko Street,
Phone: 07 282 2745