Recognised iwi in the Māori Fisheries Act 2004. Recognised iwi in the Māori Fisheries Act 2004

Population: Census 2013: 3,456

Rohe map for Ngāti Pāoa.

This rohe map represents the area over which Ngāti Pāoa exercises kaitiakitanga for the purposes of the Resource Management Act 1991 and is based on the Area of Interest agreed between Ngāti Pāoa and the Crown in the Deed of Settlement signed on 20 March 2021. Ngāti Pāoa Area of Interest from the Deed of Settlement [PDF, 428KB]

This rohe extends into the regions or districts of these local authorities:

Regional Council
Auckland Council
Waikato Regional Council
Territorial Authority
Auckland Council
Thames-Coromandel District Council
Hauraki District Council
Waikato District Council
Matamata-Piako District Council

Contact information for hapū and marae may be provided by the Representative Organisation at their discretion.

Hapū are associated with all Marae.



Ngāti Horowhenua
Ngāti Huia
Ngāti Hura
Ngāti Huruhuru
Ngāti Kahu
Ngāti Kauahi
Ngāti Kohua
Ngāti Koura
Ngāti Mahia
Ngāti Ngamuri
Ngāti Omakau
Ngāti Parengaherehere
Ngāti Rapu
Ngāti Rauwhea
Ngāti Ringatahu
Ngāti Ruakura
Ngāti Rurangi
Ngāti Taharoku
Ngāti Tahuna
Ngāti Tarao
Ngāti Te Aho
Ngāti Te Aute
Ngāti Te Hiko
Ngāti Tipa
Ngāti Tuwhanga
Ngāti Wharetoi
Ngāti Whata
Te Hingawaka
Te Mate Tokeroa
Te Rapupo
Te Rerekau
Te Uri Karaka
Te Uri o Haupa





Makomako Rangimarie 427 Back Miranda Road, Waitakaruru
Waiti (Raungaunu) Pāoa 95 Waiti Road, Tahuna
Wharekawa (Whakatiwai) Pāoa - Whanaunga 1237 East Coast Road, Kaiaua

Iwi Representative Organisations

2 Iwi Representative Organisations:

Ngāti Pāoa Iwi Trust

Last updated: 27/02/2025

Post-Treaty settlement governance entity. Post-Treaty settlement governance entity [ Ngāti Pāoa Claims Settlement Bill 2022 ].

Resource Management Act consultation. Represents Ngāti Pāoa as an "iwi authority" for the purposes of the Resource Management Act 1991.

Tūhono organisation. Tūhono organisation.

Legal entity: Private Discretionary Trust

Governance structure: Full board of seven trustees elected by registered members of iwi whānui in October 2020.

Chair: Herearoha Skipper

CEO/GM: John Hutton

Postal Address:
PO Box 106 153,
Auckland 1010.



Hauraki Māori Trust Board

Last updated: 27/02/2025

Mandated iwi organisation in the Māori Fisheries Act 2004. Mandated iwi organisation in the Māori Fisheries Act 2004.

Iwi Aquaculture Organisation in the Māori Commercial Aquaculture Claims Settlement Act 2004. Iwi Aquaculture Organisation in the Māori Commercial Aquaculture Claims Settlement Act 2004.

Resource Management Act consultation. Represents Ngāti Pāoa as an "iwi authority" for the purposes of the Resource Management Act 1991.

The Trust Board recognises that there are other Iwi entities in Hauraki who also qualify as iwi authorities for the purposes of resource management.

Tūhono organisation. Tūhono organisation.

Legal entity: Hauraki Māori Trust Board Act 1988

Governance structure: One representative elected from each of twelve iwi.

Chair: David Taipari

CEO/GM: Nikky Fisher

Postal Address:
PO Box 33,
Paeroa 3640.

Physical Address:
41 Belmont Road,

Phone: 07 862 7521 / 0508 468 288

Mobile: 021 905 192

