Recognised iwi in the Māori Fisheries Act 2004. Recognised iwi in the Māori Fisheries Act 2004

Population: Census 2013: 981; Registered members: 2,500 (August 2020)

Rohe map for Ngāti Rārua.

This rohe map is based on the Area of Interest agreed between Ngāti Rārua and the Crown in the Deed of Settlement signed on 20 April 2013. Ngāti Rārua Area of Interest from the Deed of Settlement [JPG, 161KB].

➤ The area over which Ngāti Rārua actively exercises kaitiakitanga for the purposes of the Resource Management Act 1991 is in their area of interest north of the Kawatiri (Buller) River.

This rohe extends into the regions or districts of these local authorities:

Regional Council
Tasman District Council
Nelson City Council
Marlborough District Council
West Coast Regional Council
Territorial Authority
Tasman District Council
Nelson City Council
Marlborough District Council
Buller District Council

Contact information for hapū and marae may be provided by the Representative Organisation at their discretion.

Hapū are associated with all Marae.



Ngāti Kairārunga
Ngāti Pare Te Ata
Ngāti Paretona
Ngāti Tūrangāpeke
Te Arawāere





Onetahua Kōkiri Te Ao Marama 72 Pōhara Valley Road, Takaka
Parerarua Parerarua 188 Wairau Bar Road, Wairau
Te Āwhina Turangāpeke 133 Pah Street, Motueka
Wairau Wairau 308 Wairau Bar Road, Spring Creek
Whakatū Kākāti 99 Atawhai Drive, Nelson

Iwi Representative Organisations

2 Iwi Representative Organisations:

Ngāti Rārua Settlement Trust

Last updated: 11/03/2025

Post-Treaty settlement governance entity. Post-Treaty settlement governance entity [ Ngāti Kōata, Ngāti Rārua, Ngāti Tama ki Te Tau Ihu, and Te Ātiawa o Te Waka-a-Māui Claims Settlement Act 2014 ].

Resource Management Act consultation. Represents Ngāti Rārua as an "iwi authority" for the purposes of the Resource Management Act 1991.

Legal entity: Charitable Trust

Governance structure: Eight Trustees elected from registered iwi membership.

Chair: Olivia Hall

GM: Shane Graham

Pou Ārahi / Operations Manager: Michelle Lavender

RMA Contact: Rowena Cudby Ph: 03 577 8468 Email:

Postal Address:
PO Box 1026,
Blenheim 7240.

Physical Address:
Tokomaru House,
15 Kinross Street,

Phone: 03 577 8468

Mobile: 021 616 634



Ngāti Rārua Iwi Trust

Last updated: 11/03/2025

Mandated iwi organisation in the Māori Fisheries Act 2004. Mandated iwi organisation in the Māori Fisheries Act 2004.

Iwi Aquaculture Organisation in the Māori Commercial Aquaculture Claims Settlement Act 2004. Iwi Aquaculture Organisation in the Māori Commercial Aquaculture Claims Settlement Act 2004.

Tūhono organisation. Tūhono organisation.

Legal entity: Charitable Trust

Governance structure: Eight Trustees elected from registered iwi membership.

Chair: Olivia Hall

CEO: Shane Graham

Pou Ārahi: Michelle Lavender

Postal Address:
PO Box 1026,
Blenheim 7240.

Physical Address:
15 Kinross Street,

Phone: 03 577 8468

